Company Profile

1. Background

Asrama Raya Sdn Bhd (ARSB) is one of the pioneer sawmill set up in the State of Terengganu, East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Since its incorporation on the 13th November 1967, ARSB has been developed and progressed into a ‘Class A’ sawmill with a paid-up capital of RM3,000,000.00. ARSB has its own timber concessions in Peninsular Malaysia and is an active participant of sustainable forest management techniques in timber harvesting. ARSB sawmill is the first sawmill in the country which has been given timber tracking certificates for exporting 'green' timber. Maran's management endeavors to deliver quality and excellent service to its clients and will continue to adopt the latest technologies in increasing recovery, which will result in better utilization of the country's valuable natural resource. 

In 2015, ARSB has been granted a 10,000 ha concession within Petuang Forest Reserve [Hutan Simpan (HS) Petuang] in Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. The concession agreement was signed between ARSB and Terengganu State Government on 11 May 2015. The contract is valid for 13-year and subject to be renewal. The forest areas of the 10,000 ha concession within HS Petuang are managed by ARSB and Terengganu State Forestry Department.

ARSB has received as a Well-Managed Nature Forest certification under Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) from SCS Global Services. ARSB is committed to comply with all of The FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard of Malaysia Principles & Criteria. ARSB is also committed to comply with the government regulations and Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Forest Management Certification (Natural Forest) in implementing sustainable forest management within 10,000 ha of ARSB HS Petuang concession.


2. Location

ARSB sawmill is located prominently along the Jerangau-Ajil road about 1 hours drive from the city of Kuala Terengganu. The East Coast Expressway (LPT) also facilitates travel from Kuala Lumpur and the trunk road also facilitates travel from Gambang to Kuala Berang. ARSB HS Petuang concension area is a primary forest located in Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 


The 10,000 ha of ARSB HS Petuang concession is located at Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.


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Updated Date: 28 Nov 2023